Firefox 37 download for mac
Firefox 37 download for mac

parentlock file and relaunch Firefox as usual. default, this only works if you are using a single Firefox profile though. The * is a wildcard and will enter whatever directory ends with. Note: an alternate method to get to the proper Firefox Profiles directory is to type the following command:Ĭd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/*.default You should now be able to relaunch Firefox without the error message. default Profiles directory, you can remove the lock file: Then type the cd command with whatever the random. default extension, like fault or fault, once you’re in the Firefox Profiles directory you can find out what the randomly generated name is by typing: Now there will be a randomly generated name in here attached with a.

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You may need Mozilla Firefox if you want to test a website compatibility. * Open the Terminal, you will need to navigate to your FireFox profile directory:Ĭd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/ Installation modes : Download, Local English : Mozilla Firefox is a web browser.

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The easiest fix to resolve this “Close Firefox” error message is to remove the lock file from your profile, here is how to do this:

Firefox 37 download for mac